Refrigerator Hash

Refrigerator Hash
serves 1-2 based on hangry level
(a good rule is 2 eggs per person, just add additional eggs if needed)


  • 2 eggs
  • leftover meat and veg (in this case, fried sausages and onions)
  • butter (you could go the E.V.O.O. route but eggs just scream for butter in my humble opinion)
  • shredded cheddar cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Crack and whisk your eggs until frothy. Season with salt and pepper and set aside. 
  2. Preheat non-stick pan with butter. Reheat your leftovers, and fry until brown and crispy.
  3. Pour eggs evenly over ingredients in the pan. Stir slightly for a few seconds then stop. 
  4. Wait for the bottom of the eggs to become golden brown and delicious. Flip eggs (honestly this turned into a hash instead of an omelette because the flip did not go as planned. THAT'S FINE! You can flip the eggs in chunks.)
  5. While the other side is browning, sprinkle a generous amount of cheddar over the eggs. 
  6. Once the eggs are brown on the other side, flip one last time to create the most crispy cheesy layer you could possibly want on the top of your hash. This is why having a non-stick pan is oh-so-important. 
  7. Once your cheese is melty and crispy, flip your hash out on a plate cheese side up. Enjoy with a good cup of coffee and some quality window-sitting.

Happy snow day everyone! In my opinion there's nothing better than getting snowed in and being forced to take some time for yourself--I usually feel guilty about spending alone time relaxing but snow day pampering is 100% guilt-free because there's honestly nothing else I can be doing! But enough about me--what are you going to eat now that you're snowed in? Hopefully you joined the throngs of #Snowpocalypse2017 preppers at the store last night (like I did, stupidly) but if you're scrambling for some good eats while you're home bound look no further than the leftovers in your fridge! As long as you have eggs, which you should, as the only things people buy to prep for storms are milk, eggs, and bread (and maybe wine) right? Well it's a magic kitchen secret but as long as you have eggs you can turn literally any leftovers you have in your fridge into a delicious, stick-to-your-bones, snow-day-worthy hash!

Last Friday I visited the local Catholic church to take advantage of their weekly Lenten Friday pierogi sale. I purchased a dozen of frozen bacon (yes, BACON) pierogies, boiled them, then fried them up with onions, Bratwursts, and an obscene amount of butter. I was considering posting a recipe for that but that last sentence is literally all you need.

Obviously my boyfriend and I devoured all of the pierogies, but I still had a substantial amount of sausage and onions left. Not one to be wasteful I put the leftovers in the fridge. Turns out that was culinary gold on a day like today!

You can make hash with pretty much any meat or veggie leftovers you have. Asparagus, onions, sausage, ham, peppers, tomatoes, etc. The possibilities are endless! You might be thinking "Catie! Hash generally has potatoes! And you would marry a potato if you could! What gives?" Well you are correct that a hash does typically contain potatoes, but alas, I was unfortunately potato-less this morning and even the sweet sweet love of potatoes could not convince me to brave the storm this morning. I feel like I conquered my hash nonetheless with the copious amount of cheddar cheese I smothered it in.

Anyways you don't have to stop at a hash! You can turn that fridge gold into omelettes! Frittas! Quiches! Mini muffin-tin quiches! Eggs are seriously one the major players in the kitchen and they can transform any ingredient into a full-fledged meal. Go ahead--take a peek in your fridge. Let me know what you find!
