Easy Curried Carrot and Cauliflower Soup

By Catie 


Serves: 4-6 depending on appetite

Cook Time: 60 min

Prep Time: 20 min


  • 1 bag large carrots (I like rainbow carrots)
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 head cauliflower
  • 6 cups veggie stock (approx)
  • 1 ½ cups red lentils
  • 1 14 oz can light coconut milk
  • 2 tbls olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 2 tsp tumeric
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne
  • salt
  • pepper

Additional Toppings: chives, cilantro, bacon, freshly squeezed lime juice, black sesame seeds


Set your oven to 400 degrees F. Roughly chop carrots, onion, and cauliflower. Place in a large zip loc bag. Add the olive oil, plus cumin, tumeric, cayenne, salt, and pepper to taste. Spread out over a large sheet tray, so that there is one even layer of veggies for maximum browning. Bake for 20 min, then stir. If you need to use more than one tray, make sure you rotate the trays at this point. Bake for 20 more min, or until the veg is soft and brown and filling your house with a delicious smell.
Dump into a pot and set the heat to high. Add stock until the veg is just covered. Add lentils. Bring to a boil then simmer for 20 min, or until veg is falling apart, and lentils are cooked. Puree with a stick blender until smooth. Alternatively, you can take a few batches out at a time and pulse in your blender until smooth. Add coconut milk, season to taste, and devour!

4 months later...

YES. I know it's been a while. And YES. I'm terrible at keeping up with this blog. Since I spoke to you last I started a new job as a Nutrition Educator for a project at Penn State! I'm blogging on a professional level now! But I missed you guys. And since the new year started I've been on a crazy slow-carb diet, so I've been cooking up a storm! I like the challenge of coming up with tasty things that follow my diet rules. It's like Chopped, but 1000x less stressful, and better because I get to eat the results. This is something I've made more than a few times in the past few months, not because it's diet friendly but because it's so dang good! This recipe works really well with any root veg, and is particularly suited for cauliflower. It's also vegan! So buckle up buttercup, and make yourself a steaming caldron of this veggie goodness!

And for your cooking playlist pleasure tonight--The Mavericks! I listen to them quite a lot when I cook, and I was dancing to this song in particular when I whipped up this soup.
