Hello World

Hi there! If you're reading this then you definitely already know me, and if you don't I am frankly astonished you are taking the time to read this random stranger's new blog. Seriously. Go watch Game of Thrones or read a book or something.

Anyways, if you know me, you know that I love to cook. I cook almost every day and my weekends are usually full of grocery shopping, prepping, cooking, taking photos of the finished product after painstakingly arranging it for Facebook, then eating (and possibly drinking a nice glass of red wine/beer/whiskey). It's been mentioned to me several times before that I should probably have some sort of food blog, and people are generally surprised when they realize I don't.

Here's why. Although I have an insane number of cookbooks, I still get the majority of my recipes from the internet via Foodgawker and personal food blogs. This works well for me and I love the never ending pool of inspiration that the internet contains. BUT. I am sick and tired of wading through the author's personal bullshit in search of the recipe that enticed me to click on their post in the first place. I don't care what cute thing your kid did today, or whether you just came back from Spain, or that you ran 7 miles that morning. I just want your recipe for chicken parm!!!!!!!

Starting a food blog has always been so overwhelming to me precisely because of all the mundane word vomit you seemingly have to unload on people for them to read your site. Well I have finally realized that I am a (semi) functioning adult, and if I want to have a food blog where I just post about food and not about the inane details of my life, then by God I can. So that's what this is. A food blog about food. I will not regale you about the ins and outs of my workout routines, my non-existent children, or what I had at happy hour last night. This is a blog about food, for food-minded people. Enjoy it or not--it's a free blogosphere. For those of you who decide to stick around, bon appétit...let's eat!
